Welcome to SENSE Charter School
Welcome to SENSE Charter School
The sense experience
Grades K-8
Your choice for a community education.
FREE Tuition
Enroll and participate in ALL SENSE functions at no cost.
Hobbies, Art, Music, Robotics, LGBT+, Spanish, and Environmental clubs.
Focused on families
SENSE offers a clothing closet, food kitchen, and other supportive programs.
Elective Programs
Physical and Digital Art, Music, Robotics, Gym, Computer Science, and more!
Award Winning Sports
Volleyball, track and field, cross country, basketball, and many more!
Certified in SEL
ALL staff members have been certified in providing emotional and social supports.
Bus Services
Offered to most of our students, to and from school.
Community Focus
Students engage and belong as members of our local society, with outreach and supports available.