Car Riders: Drop-off and Pickup Procedures

Morning Procedures
Any students listed as Car Riders must enter through the alley and may NOT enter through the front office. Due to student safety concerns, cars should NOT drive down Barth Ave., or park in front of the building, between the hours of 7:30AM - 8:15AM.
Please view the above map for entrance and line up directions.
Cars should enter the alley from E. Pleasant Run Pkwy and pull up to DOOR #4 on the back of the building.
If the car rider line in the alley backs up to the street, park on E. Pleasant Run Pkwy in the eastbound lane (waiting to turn left into the alley). Pull as close to the curb as possible and put on your hazard lights.
Cars should NOT park in the westbound lane (trying to to turn right into the alley). This is a safety concern as this can back up traffic and affect the intersection.
Students are to remain in the car until the car has pulled up to DOOR #4 , where a staff member will receive the student for entry into the school.
Due to safety concerns, students are not allowed to be dropped off at a further location and walk through the alley to DOOR #4.
After all students have exited the vehicle, and the path is clear and safe, cars should continue down the alley and turn RIGHT onto Palmer St.
Please take extra care when turning RIGHT onto Palmer St. as the buses also travel east along this road.
DOOR #4 closes at 8:15AM. Any cars arriving after 8:15AM must take their student to the front office to be checked in.
Dismissal Procedures
Any students listed as Car Riders must exit through the Multi-Purpose Building and may NOT leave through the front office. Due to student safety concerns, cars should NOT drive down Barth Ave., or park in front of the building, between the hours of 2:30PM - 3:30PM.
Please view the above map for line up directions.
Cars should enter the alley from E. Pleasant Run Pkwy and pull up to the end of the Multi-Purpose Building.
Cars should not block the entrance to the Mission 27 parking lot.
If the car rider line in the alley backs up to the street, park on E. Pleasant Run Pkwy in the eastbound lane (waiting to turn left into the alley). Pull as close to the curb as possible and put on your hazard lights.
Cars should NOT park in the westbound lane (trying to to turn right into the alley). This is a safety concern as this can back up traffic and affect the intersection.
A security officer, or staff member, should be visible and directing traffic to help ensure everyone's safety.
A staff member will be walking the alley to take names of the students being picked up.
Car Riders will be dismissed from the Multi-Purpose Building starting at 3:05 PM.
Due to safety concerns, students are NOT allowed to walk through the alley to be picked up at a different location.
After all students have entered the vehicle and put on their seatbelts, and the path is clear and safe, cars should continue down the alley and turn RIGHT onto Palmer St.
Please take extra care when turning RIGHT onto Palmer St. as the buses also travel east along this road.
The Car Rider door closes at 3:30PM. Any cars arriving after 3:30PM must pick their student up from the front office.
*The Car Rider line typically clears up about 10 minutes after Car Riders start leaving the Multi-Purpose Building. For families wishing to avoid waiting in a long line, we suggest arriving after 3:10PM.*
Please refer to the Family Handbook & Student Policies for complete details on our transportation policy and car rider procedures.
Link to the handbook: Family Handbook & Student Policies