Late Drop-off, and Early and Late Student Pickup Procedures

Due to student safety concerns, cars should NOT drive down Barth Ave., or park in front of the building, between the hours of 7:30 AM - 8:15 AM and 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM.

Students WILL NOT be released from the front office between 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM

Late Drop-off Procedure

  • Late drop-off begins at 8:15 AM.

  • Students arriving BEFORE 8:15 AM must go in their designated entrance.

  • Any cars arriving after 8:15 AM must take their student to the front office to be checked in.

    • If your student is late due to a doctor's appointment, please ask the doctor's office for a written note so the student's tardy can be excused.

  • Students should be accompanied by an adult to check them in.

  • If you know that your student will be late to school, please call the front office, at 317-423-0204, to let them know the reason and expected arrival time.

Early Pickup Procedure

  • If you need to pickup your student early, please call the front office, at 317-423-0204, and provide the following information:

    • The name of the student(s) being picked up

    • The expected time of pickup

    • The reason for the early pickup

    • The name of the person picking up the student(s)

  • All early pickups must be done before 2:45 PM.

    • After 2:45 PM, students must be picked up in the manner listed on their transportation record (Car Rider, Bus Rider, or Walker).

    • If your student is being picked up due to a doctor's appointment, please ask the doctor's office for a written note so the student's early pickup can be excused.

  • The adult picking up a student must come into the front office and provide a photo ID.

    • The adult must be on the student's approved pickup list for the student to be released from the school.

  • Students will be called to the front office, for dismissal, after the adult picking up has entered the school.

    • Students will not be allowed to wait in the front office for someone to pick them up.

Late Pickup Procedure

  • If you know that your student will be picked up after 3:30 PM, please call the front office, at 317-423-0204, and provide the following information:

    • The name of the student(s) being picked up

    • The expected time of pickup

    • The name of the person picking up the student(s)

  • If a student is not picked up by 3:30 PM, and the front office has not been notified, the front office will attempt to call the guardians listed on file.

    • If the front office is unable to reach a listed guardian, they will attempt to reach out to emergency contacts.

    • If the school is unable to reach anyone, the school may call IMPD.

    • Please contact the front office at 317-423-0204 if you need to update contact information.

  • The adult picking up a student must come into the front office and provide a photo ID.

    • The adult must be on the student's approved pickup list for the student to be released from the school.

Please refer to the Family Handbook & Student Policies for complete details on our drop-off and pickup policy.
Link to the handbook: Family Handbook & Student Policies

Frequently Asked Questions: